Friday, June 3, 2016

10 places you must visit in Mexico!! 絶対に一度は行くべき「メキシコ」の 美観10選!

1)Cenote"Dos ojos"(2つの目のセノーテ)
Two eyes cenote
It is one of the most extravagant diving sites. It is also one of the largest  underwater cave systems.

2) Teotihuacan (テオティワカン)
It is located in the State of Mexico 50 km northeast of Mexico City, known today as the site of many of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids

3) Cozumel (コスメル) 
Cozumel is a popular destinations for scuba diving and snorkeling. 

4) Chichen Itza (チチェン イッツァ)
Chichen Itza was one of the largest Maya cities.

5) Playa deal Carmen ( プラヤ デル カルメン)
It is the region’s top destination for shopping, dining and nightlife. 

6) Playa del amor (愛のビーチ)
プエルト バジャルタにあるユニークな形状の島を形成し、火山活動によって数千年前に形成されました。
Love beach is one of those unique natural wonders you just don’t want to miss, it is located in Puerto Vallarta.

7) Palenque(パレンケ)
Palenque is one of the most studied and documented Mayan archeological ruin and near Palenque you can enjoy The turquoise-blue waters of Agua azul waterfall.

8) Playa del amor (恋人たちの海)
Lover’s Beach is the jewel of Los Cabos and Cabo San Lucas. It is said that the name is due to the fact that two seas are united: the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean.

9) Tequila-Guadalajara 
Music, food and of course... Tequila! on a traditional train. This tour will take you to the Tequila region where all the tequila of the world is made and you will learn the process of this famous drink in one of the most famous distilleries.

10) Ciudad de México(Mexico City)
The Historic center of Mexico City and the "floating gardens" of Xochimico in the southern borough have been declared World Herritage Sites by UNESCO. 

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